(573) 317-0155

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Are you looking for a reliable, affordable air duct cleaning? Does anyone in your home suffer from allergies, asthma, headaches, eye irritations, respiratory or sinus problems? If so the cause may be in the air that you are breathing right inside your home. More than 70% of all indoor air quality problems involve the HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning) system as dirty ducts are an ideal breeding ground. Over the years, dirt, dust (and mites), pet hair and dander, pollen, mold, mildew and other contaminants build up and can be trapped inside the ductwork of your home. This isn’t just a nuisance, it’s unhealthy!

Think about it:Your home’s air duct network acts as a respiratory system. It collects pollen, dirt, dust, debris, and microbial growth that are hidden from view. This debris “congests” the system and makes it difficult for the house to “breathe” properly and function efficiently. The heating and cooling industry has stated that over seventy-five percent of repair work needed on furnace systems is a result of dirty mechanical components. Reduced air supply can be the cause of premature failure of expensive heating, ventilation & air conditioning components.

Our Air Duct Cleaning Process

1) Secure Negative Air System: Three stages of filters catch small valuable items as well as large objects blocking air flow.

2) Vacuum, Scrub and Sweep: While the vacuum runs under constant negative airflow, a motor-driven whip scrubs the interior of each vent and pushes the debris toward the negative air vacuum allowing debris to be removed.

3) Wet Clean: Over time, contamination builds up on floor registers, vents and cold air returns, and gets recirculated throughout your home resulting in poor indoor air quality and inefficiency. All floor registers, ceiling vents and cold air returns are carefully removed, hand scrubbed, washed, dried and reattached properly.

4) Air Compress Clean: The root of a clean air duct system is a clean furnace. We takes special measures to ensure all components of your air duct and HVAC system are clean, disinfected, odorless and operating at the most efficient rate possible. Furnace cover is carefully removed and components are carefully cleaned by air compression.

5) Sanitize and Deodorize(optional): We use technologically advanced fogging machines to mist disinfectant throughout the interior HVAC and air duct system. The disinfectant and deodorization process leaves your HVAC system clean, odorless and healthy. Anti-microbial compound is applied to kill any germs, bacteria and fungi left behind and prevents further mold growth.

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